The stats on the Kula Flows page for every Kula Flow you create help you get a snapshot of their performance.
Let's understand what each of the metrics that are tracked on Kula for every Kula Flow denotes
Title: This is the name of the Kula Flow. Since the name is internal to your company, you can follow any convention for it to be explanatory.
Example: At Kula, we follow job-role | department | priority. That means the Kula Flow for an urgent opening for a Senior Frontend developer would be named Sr. Frontend Developer | Engineering | High Priority
Status: This shows the current status of the Kula Flow.
The status can either be Draft, Live, Paused, or Completed. The different status means as follows:
Active: The Kula Flows creation stage is complete and is now live. The messages would be triggered as set if the candidates are added to the Kula Flow.
Draft: The Kula Flow creation is underway and is not live
Paused: The Kula Flow has been paused. All set messages will NOT be triggered, and the status quo will be maintained until the Kula Flow status isn’t changed to Active again.
Completed: A Kula Flow is auto-marked as Complete after all the messages that were set to trigger have been successfully sent at the decided intervals. There are no new candidates or new messages to be sent to any candidates. You can also mark a Kula Flow as ‘Complete’ manually by selecting a Kula Flow on your workspace.
Archived: A previously created Kula Flow is deactivated and moved to the Archived mode.
Candidates: Number of candidates added to a Kula Flow
Sent: Number of messages sent to candidates through a particular Kula Flow
Opened: Number of candidates that have opened the messages sent as a part of the Kula Flow
Replied: Number of replies the messages of the Kula Flow have received
Interested: Number of candidates who are interested in the job role aligned with the Kula Flow
Created on: This is when the Kula Flow was first created. Please note that this is not the date of making the Kula Flow live, but the date of creation
Owner: This is the person who has created the Kula Flow. There can be hiring managers, sourcers, and more people who are added to the Kula Flow, but the owner will be someone who created the Kula Kula Flow.