Circles Dashboard

Get realtime reports and track what's happening

Kulanaut avatar
Written by Kulanaut
Updated over a week ago

You can track a bunch of things on Circles

Performance Overview - Circles

In the Circles performance overview, you get a snapshot of key metrics related to Circles. For the time period selected, you get to see the following metrics:

  • the number of Top Talent you have marked

  • the number of candidates hired from your Circle

  • the number of candidates you have referred

  • number of introductions requested from you

  • number of introductions made by you

  • Number of introduction requests pending on you

People Referred

In the referral dashboard, you get to see all the people you have referred and the current stage of the recruitment process they’re in.

My Top Talent

This is the Top Talent quick view. You can see all the candidates that you’ve marked as Top Talent and get a CTA for the one-click referral process.

Intro Snapshot

This snapshot shows 3 key views of the Introduction-related tasks.

  1. Intro Requested: These are all the introduction requests you have made to your colleagues. You have the ‘candidate name’, ‘intro requested to’, ‘requested date’, and the current ‘status’ of the intro requests.

  2. Intro Made: These are the introductions made by you, in response to the introduction requests you have received from recruiters and hiring managers in your workspace.

  3. Pending Intro: These are the introduction requests you have received but have not actioned upon. You can choose to accept or deny the request and that will move the requests listed here to other reports.

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