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Understanding and performing Tasks on Kula
Understanding and performing Tasks on Kula
Kulanaut avatar
Written by Kulanaut
Updated over a week ago

The Tasks listed will be from a mix of channels. Email tasks are executed on Kula, and LinkedIn tasks are executed on LinkedIn with the help of the Kula - Everywhere extension.

Users can choose the selection of Tasks they would like to execute by selecting different filters or choosing the channel. The above scenario has a mix of Tasks from different channels. Automatic LinkedIn tasks are executed in the background with the help of the extension on LinkedIn. They do not require user intervention. Only manual tasks are shown in the Dashboard/ Tasks tab. As there is only one pinned tab used for task execution, if the user initiates manual task execution at the same time automatic tasks are being executed, manual tasks take priority.

You can also choose all Tasks. Tasks are shown in chronological order, and only 50 are shown at a time. You may choose to complete, skip or snooze tasks accordingly to proceed to the next set of tasks.

The manual email tasks are ordered first when executing, and then an option to go to the respective platform to execute the tasks accordingly.

Once all email tasks are complete, it will show tasks related to LinkedIn. The first LinkedIn task will have a CTA to take you to LinkedIn. On clicking the CTA button, it will take you to a pinned tab to execute your pending LinkedIn tasks. Kindly do not close the tab when tasks are being executed.

LinkedIn tasks can take up to 30 seconds during execution, we request you to stay on the page while the task executor is running, you will be able to see the Tasks count in the pipeline as shown below.

You’ll also receive a chrome notification when manual tasks need your intervention, kindly proceed to the pinned tab to complete the pending tasks accordingly.

Once the pending, manual tasks are complete, the execution will switch to automatic tasks if any. Once that is complete, the pinned tab will be closed.

Understanding Limits:

Under the Tasks page, you can see a counter of the number of each type of Tasks you can complete within the interval specified.

These limits and minimum delay between Tasks can be changed under the Settings page > Messaging & Signature tab.

These are the default settings and maximum limit per Task channel:

  • Emails (in a rolling 24-hour window)

    • Default of 50 emails

    • Maximum limit of 300 emails

  • LinkedIn InMails (in a rolling 24-hour window)

    • Default of 50 InMails

    • Maximum limit of 150 InMails

  • LinkedIn Connection Requests (per week)

    • Default of 50 Connection Requests

    • Maximum limit of 100 Connection Requests

Note: It may take up to 24 hours for the Email and InMail limits to be accurately reflected upon changing due to the rolling 24-hour window.

The 24-hour rolling window is in place to prevent sending an excessive number of emails or LinkedIn InMails within a short time frame. For example, sending 300 emails at 11:50 p.m. and another 300 at 12:10 a.m. might lead to your email address being blocked from sending additional messages.

The mechanism of the 24-hour window operates as follows: Within any given 24-hour period, you can only send out the specified limit of LinkedIn InMails. If you execute multiple LinkedIn InMails at the start of the day, throughout the day, the number available to be sent out will increase, and you can send out more later.

The LinkedIn Connections weekly limit resets every Sunday at 00:00 UTC+0, which is designed to help us stay within the LinkedIn-imposed weekly restrictions.

In the present setup, if you exceed this limit, we permit only manual email execution, which impacts your available capacity for the following day. This precaution is in place to prevent the sending of an excessive number of emails within a short timeframe.

If you find it necessary to raise these maximum limits, please reach out to our Support team at

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