Daily Recap Email Notification

Receive a Daily Recap Email from Kula

Sai Prashanth G avatar
Written by Sai Prashanth G
Updated over a week ago

At Kula, we value our user experience at the highest level. Equally, we value our users' outbound recruiting goals.

Our commitment is to empower users to run their Flows seamlessly and attain their top-funnel objectives.

To help achieve this, we employ various notification methods to promptly alert users of any errors that occur during a Flow's step execution:

  1. In the Notifications Section

  2. On the Candidates List Page within a Flow

  3. Through Daily Recap Email

This approach ensures that users gain a comprehensive understanding of their daily Flow performance and effectively address any errors within the Flow, with clear insights into the required actions and their reasons.

โ€‹NOTE: The Daily Email Notification will be sent to all Collaborators of the Flow (This includes the Flow Creator by default).

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