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Reports Overview
Getting Started with Kula Reports
Getting Started with Kula Reports

This guide provides an overview of Kula Reports

Kulanaut avatar
Written by Kulanaut
Updated over a week ago

Understanding fundamental concepts in Kula Reports will enable you to swiftly view reports and visualizations, uncovering valuable insights into your recruiting efforts.

Kula has five essential reports designed to provide comprehensive insights into various facets of your recruiting efforts:

Flow Health Report:

The Flow Health Report includes two sub-reports: Candidate Touchpoint, focusing on outreach candidate metrics based on the first message sent date, and User Activity, which explores user interaction metrics on specific days.

Diversity Distribution Report:

It provides insights into diversity by gender, offering strategic advantages for fostering inclusion in recruitment.

Team Productivity Report:

A comprehensive report with seven sub-sections, including DEI Breakdown, Activities Performed by Team, Activities by Flow, Candidate Engagement by Team, Flow Performance (High to Low), No. of Hires by Recruiter (ATS related report), and Offer Acceptance Rate by Recruiter (ATS related report).

KPI (Team and Individual) Report:

This report focuses on key performance indicators (KPIs) and is divided into five sections: Candidates Added to Kula, KPI by Recruiter, KPI by Gender Diversity, KPI by Channel, and KPI by Sender. It tracks metrics such as Open Count, Reply Count, and Interested Count, allowing users flexibility in choosing counts or rates as metrics.

ATS Report:

The ATS Report utilizes user mapping to provide insights into ATS applications. It includes a funnel showing the application filtering process and a table to group and break down data by selected dimensions. The metrics cover counts of applications in each stage, pass-through rates, overall rates, and average time in a stage, offering a comprehensive view of ATS-related data.

Note: The Diversity Distribution and ATS Reports are add-ons. Please contact your Customer Success Manager to learn more.


Filtering in reports is essential for tailoring data to specific criteria, ensuring relevance and precision.

Date Ranges

Date ranges are crucial in reports as they provide temporal context, allowing users to analyze trends, patterns, and changes over specific periods, facilitating informed decision-making.

Frequently asked questions

What is the timezone followed in the Reports?
Answer: The user timezone is followed. Please check the Timezone selected by going to your Profile Settings.

How often are Reports updated?

Answer: This is configurable. However, by default, it is updated every 6 hours.

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