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How To Add A Candidate To A Project
How To Add A Candidate To A Project
Sai Prashanth G avatar
Written by Sai Prashanth G
Updated over a week ago

To populate your Kula projects with top talent, explore the following three methods for adding candidates:

  1. Chrome Extension: Directly add candidates while sourcing from platforms like LinkedIn, Github, and more to your project, seamlessly integrating sourcing with project management. Kindly refer to this solution article on how to accomplish this.

  2. Bulk Import via CSV: Upload a pool of candidates by bulk-importing a list through a CSV file. Download the sample CSV file to review the required fields for a successful import. (Important: First Name, Company, LinkedIn URL are mandatory fields for which values should be present in the CSV file.).

  3. Contacts Section: Navigate to the "Contacts" section for a user-friendly approach to adding candidates. This is a great way to re-utilize your existing candidate database. Otherwise, it is called candidate rediscovery.

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