Request an Intro in bulk

Select multiple potential candidates and request an introduction

Kulanaut avatar
Written by Kulanaut
Updated over a week ago

When viewing your Organization's connections, you can select multiple potential candidates and request an introduction to the employees within your organization.

This would allow you to optimize and increase efficiency in finding the right candidate.

To start, you can go to your Circles page. This page will allow you to view your Org Circle, showing you your organization's network connections.

Are you only seeing yours? Please make sure you have the proper role and permissions.

You can select multiple prospective candidates from your Circles page by checking the box beside each name. Once done, click on the 'Get Intro now' button.

This will open a pop-up window showing you a list of all the potential candidates you have selected.

You can remove the selected candidates from the list by clicking on 'Remove', Once you have confirmed the list, click on the 'Get Intro' button to proceed. This will send an email to the employees within your organization that are connected to the potential candidates.

A message will show confirming the introductions you have requested. If an intro did not go through, the system would list the candidates along with the ability to send the introduction manually. The Intro request may fail if an email address is not present.

You can track the status of your Intro requests by going to your Circles Dashboard.

Next: How to add potential candidates to the Intro Queue.

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